How to write a good SEO article?

How to write a good SEO article? Writing content for the web, or SEO writing is about writing for both your audience and Google. The objective of optimizing your articles, or your pages, with SEO writing, is to position your site among the first searches of Internet users on certain keywords.

By implementing a strategy-oriented toward natural referencing, you will be able to capitalize on one, or more, semantic fields that will make you gain visibility on the web. So to put the odds on your side, we give you some tips to optimize your writing for SEO.

Generating qualified traffic is the objective of any entity on search engines. To do this, you must start by writing good articles, or quality pages if you do not have a blog.

Start with quality writing

We are going to break open an open door, but it is always good to remember that the very essence of success, the inevitable thing, is to write in good French, without spelling or grammar mistakes (Voltaire certification can help you).

Once you have thought about your subject, that you are sure of the tone to use, you can start on the structure of your article. It will be based on three key elements:

  • The title
  • Subtitles
  • Layout

The title is the first point of contact with your reader, so obviously it should be catchy, and optimized for SEO, without overselling the content of your article. The title, therefore, occupies a crucial place and must be written with care.

Then, your subtitles will have plan value. They must therefore be sufficiently evocative while favoring SEO, in particular by capitalizing on the long tail. With H2 or H3 type tags, you structure your content for your readers, and for Google, think about it.

Finally, the layout is essential to keep the reader in suspense: paragraphs neither too long nor too short, bold, italic, bulleted list, etc. It’s up to you to use your expertise to avoid any reading that could seem time-consuming.  Take care of the user experience!

Integrate SEO techniques into your writing habits


To the writing tips that you were given earlier, you must now add some good habits for natural referencing. The first is to link your writing topic to a relevant keyword, related to your activity, and on which you will be able to position yourself. You should know that general keywords are often very competitive, so it is difficult to win places. Instead, prefer long-tail keywords, which correspond to a more specific expression. If you don’t know how to choose your keywords, read Miss’s article.

For example, rather than “marketing”, try to position yourself on “inbound marketing strategy”. You will have a better chance of generating qualified traffic and reducing your bounce rate. This tip is valid for all sectors, from automotive to education to personal services.

Some handy SEO tips

Among the good SEO writing tips, easy to integrate into your articles that you are used to doing, and therefore that you master, we can mention the importance of the density of the content created. You will therefore need to ensure that you have a certain number of words in your article, which will be valued by Google. Depending on your habits, this may require a little extra effort in terms of research, or time allocated to writing, but it’s worth it!

This technique fits into the more global one of the semantic cocoon, which consists, to summarize it summarily, of creating content by thematic silos, by betting on the depth of the pages.

The semantic cocoon applies to all sectors too. For example, in the field of higher education, a school that offers several training courses can structure its content around thematic silos depending on the areas of study.

If we take a simpler example, that of a marketing agency, the semantic cocoon could be structured like this:

  • agency website
  • Agency Blog
  • Theme 1: SEO
  • Article 1: what is SEO?
  • Article 2: how to succeed in an SEO strategy?
  • Theme 2: inbound marketing
  • Article 1: 5 inbound marketing techniques
  • Article 2: what is the difference between inbound and street marketing?
  • Theme 3: social ads
  • Article 1: Social ads: how to minimize your costs?
  • Article 2: 3 ways to reach your targets on Facebook Ads