What are the methods used in UX Research?

To be sure to offer the right products and services to the right person, you need to know more about your targets. You must determine what their needs are and if they have specific desires. By better studying the user experience, you will have enough information to offer your visitors what they are really looking for. We invite you to discover the different methods used in UX Research.

What is UX and UX Research?

Also called user experience, UX is a set of guidelines put in place with the aim of evaluating visitor interactions on different platforms. UX Research focuses on how the visitor navigates the site. He also checks whether he manages to use the tools set up for him. Researching the user experience, therefore, consists of analyzing the level of ease with which they interact with your brand.

For more information on UX Research, you can, for example, consult an agency specializing in digital. With the help of experts, you analyze a number of parameters step by step. The process aims to determine the ease with which customers end up on your site. It is possible to evaluate the route, the time the user spends on each section, and the way he goes to the information he is looking for. All his behaviors are taken into account, as well as his opinions or comments left on the website.

Target site users with an ethnographic study

The objective of this method is to analyze the product in the hands of end-users. This lets you know if what you want to design will meet their real need. In this study, the goal is to observe users from the population you are targeting. The ethnographic study makes it possible to discover the real need of your target in its context.

Thanks to it, you have a panoramic view of the expectations of the population you wish to satisfy. You will be able to specify your objectives to be achieved at the end of this study. Then, observe and interview users in a real situation. At the end of the study, analyze the results obtained in order to follow a concrete lead.

Analyze competing sites or platforms

Being new to the market, you need to study how others are offering their services and what users think of this way of doing things. By identifying best practices in the field, you have a better chance of positioning your offer well.

By adopting a UX benchmark, you quickly analyze the positioning of your product in relation to the competition. The procedure is as follows:

  • explore competing interfaces,
  • analyze, make comparisons,
  • identify weaknesses and strengths.

Do qualitative research on targets

These searches are based on the information gathered following an in-depth observation of the user.

In addition, you will also need to carry out a quantitative study. It lets you know how many people would like to take advantage of the goods or services you offer. Also, make use of user behavior tracking on the platform. You can perform eye-tracking. This is eye movement tracking to determine what catches their attention. With these results, the user experience can be optimized.

Identify the context of the use of the product or service

In addition to the methods applied, you will need to think about the context in which the product will be used. After collecting user information, you will be able to make a comparison between what they want to do with the product and what you want to produce. This is the difference between intended use and actual use.

The data collected will allow you to improve your offer according to the difficulties encountered by users…